The tools address
a real need.
SÍMBIOSY’s extensive and in-depth experience in industrial symbiosis has led its technical team to develop a series of digital tools, available online, which provide significant support for various tasks and are made available to professionals and companies.
The training for future
We train future facilitators—new multidisciplinary professionals capable of implementing circular economy projects.

Synergy platform
Mapeo de flujos de recursos:
¿Qué recursos sobrantes?
¿Qué empresas los generan?
¿A dónde van a parar? ¿Qué se
puede hacer con ellos? ¿Con
qué empresas?
Link to the platform

Self-evaluation questionnaire
Self-assessment questionnaire on the territory’s readiness level to start an industrial symbiosis project.
Download the questionnaire

Ecoefficiency avaluation
Evaluation of the eco-efficiency level of the agroindustrial zones towards circular economy
Download the program

Manual on how to implement industrial symbiosis projects: concepts, methodology, examples, tools
Dowload the PDF
Training for industrial symbiosis facilitators
Training course for industrial symbiosis project facilitators
Visit the platform

Industrial symbiosis project portfolio
Download the program

Software for managing industrial symbiosis projects.
Software for tracking and managing companies and industrial symbiosis projects
Link to website.
SÍMBIOSY’s extensive experience is reflected in its broad training capabilities, ranging from specific training for “industrial symbiosis project facilitators” to interactive training with professionals and companies to make the most of the business and development opportunities offered by the circular economy.
We train future industrial symbiosis project facilitators, developing new multidisciplinary professionals capable of implementing circular economy projects with a systemic vision.
4×4 In-Person Course
4 afternoons – 4 hours per afternoon.
INSIGHT Platform
(Erasmus+ Project)
Join our courses!

Self-assessment of eco-efficiency.
The eco-efficiency self-assessment tool for industrial zones is an easy-to-use tool for industrial zone managers. It is designed to assess the current state and identify potential sustainability improvements within the zone, helping to initiate work for future certification systems.
It is a questionnaire in a simple response format (yes/no or quantitative evaluation from 1 to 5) that can be filled out by downloading the Excel file.
The questionnaire is divided into 5 thematic areas, one per sheet (SOCIAL ASPECTS AND COMMUNICATION, RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICES, ENVIRONMENTAL INTEGRATION AND URBANISM). Please be as honest as possible to make it useful for you. Try to answer all the questions.
Once you complete and send us the survey, we will return it with a score ranging from 1 to 100. You will receive an overall rating as well as five specific ratings based on thematic areas, presented both numerically and graphically (spider chart). The results will also include a summary of automatic improvement suggestions that you could implement to enhance your sustainability score.
Please send the completed survey to the email address:, and we will return the validated and scored results to the email from which you sent it.
Thank you for your interest