Assessment of Energy-Saving Capacity in Companies within the Viladecans Industrial Estates.
Project focused on increasing the competitiveness of local industrial SMEs through initiatives aimed at energy savings and renewable energy production.
Audits focusing on companies’ energy consumption have been carried out to identify and estimate potential savings and their possible involvement in shared renewable energy systems.
Main results
Identified energy efficiency improvements:
- Reuse of residual heat from cooling equipment in climate control and sanitary hot water systems.
- Improvement in the insulation system in working spaces.
- Improvement of the maintenance and renovation of the compressors.
- Cambio de los equipos de refrigeración con compresores de pistones.
Opportunities in shared autoconsumption:
- Between a shopping center and a community of neighbours.
- Among the companies surrounding a shared-use parking lot.
Download the project summary file for more inormation.